Tag: supreme court decisions

Right to Work Celebrates Third Anniversary of Janus Ruling
June 25, 2021 marks the third anniversary of the Supreme Court Janus v. AFSCME ruling that protects public sector worker rights.

New Hampshire Workers’ Petition Asking Supreme Court to Hear Case Seeking Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Union Dues is Fully Briefed
New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance’s Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.
Connecticut State Employees File Lawsuit After Union Officials Refuse Refunds
CSEA officials forced nonmember employees to pay fees in violation of the Constitution as recognized in Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision

Chicago Workers Demand Refund from Union Bosses After Unfair Fees
Workers from Ohio, Connecticut also primed to ask High Court to weigh in on issue