New Hampshire Workers’ Petition Asking Supreme Court to Hear Case Seeking Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Union Dues is Fully Briefed

New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance’s Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.

IAM Union Faces Backlash for Forcing Union Dues for Politics

Foundation attorneys argue IAM union “opt-out” requirement to escape payment for union officials’ political activities violates Supreme Court’s Janus standard

Las Vegas Police Officer Challenges Unconstitutional Union Dues

Las Vegas police officer Melodie DePierro has filed response briefs in her case seeking to vindicate her First Amendment right to abstain from union membership and financial support.

teacher union bosses

NRTW President On How Teacher Union Bosses Are A Negative Influence

Foundation President Mark Mix recently participated in a panel discussion titled “Ask The Experts: Teacher Appreciation Week? How Teachers Unions Got in the Way.”

San Diego Charter School Teachers Charge Union with Illegal Surveillance

“The PERB should condemn these attacks on independent-minded teachers, and allow Gompers educators to have their long-overdue vote on whether to remove the union officials who are attacking the very educators they claim to represent,” added Mix.

Chicago Educators Appeal Class-action Suit Challenging CTU Union Unconstitutional Dues Seizures

Two Chicago Public Schools (CPS) educators are appealing class-action civil rights lawsuit charging the CTU with illegal dues seizures.

Connecticut State Employees File Lawsuit After Union Officials Refuse Refunds

CSEA officials forced nonmember employees to pay fees in violation of the Constitution as recognized in Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision