Tag: union dues

New Hampshire Workers’ Petition Asking Supreme Court to Hear Case Seeking Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Union Dues is Fully Briefed
New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance’s Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.
Public Employees File Brief On Case Challenging Union Limits on Stopping Union Dues
Brief argues union boss schemes limiting dues revocations to short periods violate the High Court’s landmark Janus v. AFSCME 2018 decision
Connecticut State Employees File Lawsuit After Union Officials Refuse Refunds
CSEA officials forced nonmember employees to pay fees in violation of the Constitution as recognized in Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision

Chicago Workers Demand Refund from Union Bosses After Unfair Fees
Workers from Ohio, Connecticut also primed to ask High Court to weigh in on issue

Your Government Employee Union Dues Deductions May Violate Your First Amendment Rights
National Right To Work Legal Defense Analysis: Re: Legality of Union Deduction Authorizations Executed Before Janus v. AFSCME. Is it permissible under the First Amendment for government employers to deduct union dues or fees from employees’ paychecks pursuant to deduction agreements signed in agency fee jurisdictions before the Supreme Court’s decision in Janus v. AFSCME […]

Task Force Established to Defend and Enforce Your Janus Rights
MyJanusRights.org offers free legal assistance to public employees seeking to enforce right to cut off union fees as protected by Janus v. AFSCME decision Springfield, VA (June 28, 2018) – Today the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation announced the creation of a task force to defend the rights of government employees as protected by […]