The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is taking two very important cases to the Supreme Court, and we need your help. The first case was filed by two teachers in Chicago, Joanne Troesch and Ifeoma Nkemdi, who are filing a lawsuit against the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU). The second was filed by two teachers in New Jersey, Susan Fischer and Jeanette Speck, who are suing the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA).
Both cases will take a stance against unions’ “escape period” scheme, which prevents workers from having any real opportunity to back out of a union. This so-called “escape period” gives teachers only 10 days in August (when the teachers are on break) for them to be able to say they do not want to be part of the union. If the teachers don’t respond in time, union dues are automatically deducted, and they are forced to stay in the union for another year.
This goes against the 2018 Janus v. AFSCME ruling that states that workers should not be forced to join a union to keep their job. We believe workers should have the right to leave a union when they want, because no one should be forced to pay to keep a job. That’s why the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is taking these two cases to the Supreme Court.
In doing so, we could potentially end “escape period” schemes nationwide, freeing workers from the shifty hands of unions. This would mean workers in all states could keep their hard-earned money instead of getting caught in a fine print loophole that forces them to pay up year after year.
But to make this possible, we need your help.
While Big Labor has an endless supply of money that they have collected from hard workers to use for their legal defense, we take only what is freely donated to us. Being non-profit means that we ask nothing in return for taking up these cases and fighting for workers’ rights. However, court costs can really add up. We’ll need to pay for attorneys, legal research, paperwork, and much more.
Unfortunately, the cost for freedom is not cheap. So, will you help us by donating today?
Donate today to help us end forced unionism loopholes and give workers the rights they deserve!
Donate today! Any amount will help.