Category: Janus Rights

Janus Supreme Court Decision Protects UC Graduate Students’ Right to Stop Dues Payments
UC graduate students also have a First Amendment right to cut off dues deductions to the UAW as per the Foundation-won Janus v. AFSCME Supreme Court decision

Puerto Rico Union Bosses Try to Dodge Consequences of Janus Lawsuit
Cruz argues in his suit that various provisions of the Puerto Rico Labor Relations Act, which UIA union bosses relied upon to take money from his paycheck, violate the First Amendment.

Right to Work Foundation Brief: 2018 Janus Decision Means Union “Release Time” Violates AZ Constitution’s Gift Clause
Brief supports challenge pending at Arizona Supreme Court against Phoenix’s scheme to subsidize inherently political AFSCME union activities with tax dollars

After Janus, Foundation Continues Fight to Expand Freedom for Public Employees
Up until 2018, union bosses had the power to force millions of government workers to pay union dues or fees just to keep their jobs…

Worker Who Criticized Union Official Defeats Attempt to Slap Him with Restraining Order
Puerto Rican Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) worker also challenged unconstitutional Puerto Rico laws mandating UIA union membership and dues payment

Right to Work Expansion Hitting Union Coffers
But Public Union Bosses Still Inflicting Massive Harm on U.S.A. Until just over five years ago, the overwhelming majority of America’s nearly seven million unionized state and local public employees still resided in jurisdictions where they had no Right to Work protections. But on June 27, 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down what is […]

Notorious Police Union Boss Goes to Prison
Ed Mullins Admits to Stealing $600,000 From Big Apple’s Finest On August 4, Big Labor boss Ed Mullins, who from 2002 to 2021 reigned as chief of New York City’s powerful Sergeants Benevolent Association union (SBA), became the latest in a long line of union officials to be sentenced to prison for stealing dues money […]

Foundation Files SCOTUS Brief Defending Alaska’s Protections Against Forced Union Dues
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Alaska v. Alaska State Employees Association. The brief supports the State of Alaska’s attempt to safeguard public sector workers’ First Amendment right to refrain from paying dues to a union they disapprove of. This right was […]

Foundation Op-Ed: ‘Public Employees Never Waived Their 1st Amendment Rights’
The State of Alaska seeks protect the First Amendment rights of public employees under the Foundation-won 2018 Janus v. AFSCME decision…

Big Labor’s $25 Billion Campaign Shadow Army
Political Spending by Union Bosses Far Exceeds Direct Donations Just 6% of America’s private-sector wage and salary employees belong to a union. Yet Big Labor is a, if not the, dominant force in American politics. By their own admission, union officials who file LM-2 disclosure forms with the U.S. Labor Department (DOL) spent more than […]