IBEW Union Bosses Back Down after Attempting to Trap Chicago 911 Operator in Forced Dues in Violation of First Amendment
Rhonda Younkins, a 911 operator employed by the City of Chicago, has just prevailed in her months long legal effort to exercise her right under the First Amendment to stop all union dues payments to IBEW Local 21 union officials.
Worker Advocate Testifies Before Congress on Need to Defend Employees Against Increasingly Coercive Union Tactics
Testimony: Biden Labor Board undermining rights of workers opposed to union affiliation, censoring speech critical of unions
Foundation Files SCOTUS Brief Defending Alaska’s Protections Against Forced Union Dues
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the case Alaska v. Alaska State Employees Association. The brief supports the State of Alaska’s attempt to safeguard public sector workers’ First Amendment right to refrain from paying dues to a union they disapprove of. This right was […]
Court of Appeals reviewing teacher union bosses’ lawsuit ensure compliance with Foundation-won Janus 2018 Supreme Court precedent
The Foundation has just submitted a brief at the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Anderson Federation of Teachers, et al. v. Rokita…
CUNY Professors’ Lawsuit Challenging Forced Association with Antisemitism-Linked Union Continues at Second Circuit
CUNY professors challenge NY law that forces them to be represented by hostile union hierarchy
Illinois Security Officer Defends Janus Rights Amidst ICOP Union Discrimination
ICOP Union officials sought to coerce membership by preventing non-members from defending their jobs
Connecticut State Trooper Wins $260,500 Settlement in Federal Lawsuit Against CSPU and Department Officials
Connecticut State Trooper Joseph Mercer was demoted after he abstained from funding union politics, CSPU union has now backed down and settled case
Northwest Ohio Employees File Suit to Knock Down Another Janus Restriction
AFSCME has a reputation in Ohio for refusing Janus rights to employees, and the Foundation and employees aren’t letting it slide.
Foundation Files Brief at Michigan Supreme Court Blasting TPOAM Union’s Forced Fee Scheme
TPOAM Union’s “fee-for-grievance” scheme unlawfully pressures employees to become union members; Michigan Right to Work repeal does not make scheme legal
Foundation Brief to Court of Appeals: Lower Court’s Decision Conflicts with SCOTUS’ Janus Ruling
National Right to Work Foundation attorneys filed an amicus brief in Littler v. OAPSE with the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals