Lucas County JFS Employees Win Back Unconstitutionally Seized Money from AFSCME Union

JFS Employees exercised constitutional right to stop funding AFSCME union activities, but union-imposed restriction blocked exercise of right for over 90 percent of year

Southwest Ohio School Employee Hits OAPSE Union with Charges for Illegally Seizing Union Dues

OAPSE/AFSCME union officials misled Southwest Public Schools employee Richard Koch and ignored revocation request in attempt to deduct dues for entire school year over employee’s clear objection

Puerto Rico Workers

Puerto Rico Workers Ask Court to Stop Illegal Union Dues Cover-up

Employees of the University of Puerto Rico have filed a motion for a preliminary injunction against the University of Puerto Rico Workers Union.

Mark Janus Files Motion to Rehear Ruling Denying Refund of Seized Forced Union Fees

Petition for rehearing en banc filed after three-judge panel ruled that union bosses may keep dues taken from public employees in violation of the First Amendment Washington, DC (November 19, 2019) – Today, attorneys representing Mark Janus are petitioning the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals for rehearing en banc in the continuation of Janus v. American Federation of […]

Pennsylvania Teachers Pursue Janus Rights

The Keystone state is known for its notoriously powerful unions, including the Pennsylvania State Education Association.  Pennsylvania union officials continue to try to keep teachers yoked to forced dues despite the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation’s Janus decision.  Under the auspices of the Fairness Center, Pennsylvania teachers pursue their Janus rights.  Dave Fidlin […]

Final Briefs Filed at Appeals Court in Janus v. AFSCME: Case Seeks Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Forced Union Fees

Seventh Circuit likely to be the first appellate court to rule whether nonmembers can recover dues seized in violation of First Amendment Washington, D.C. (July 3, 2019) – Today attorneys representing Mark Janus have filed the final brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit in the continuation of Janus v. American Federation […]


Attorney for Mark Janus called person who changed the world

What are Janus Rights?  The “all-star” attorney who “changed the world”  when he argued and won at the Supreme Court in Janus v. AFSCME answers and explains your related constitutional rights. The audio is taken from a Delaware radio interview with William Messenger, the National Right To Work Attorney who made Mark Janus’ oral arguments before the […]


Special Notice for Rhode Island Government Employees

Special Legal Notice to Rhode Island Public Employees: Supreme Court’s Janus Ruling Means You Can Resign from Union & Cut off Dues at Any Time Legal group that won Janus case denounces Rhode Island union bosses and public officials who are misleading workers about their rights RHODE ISLAND (October 11, 2018) – In response to […]