Tag: Knox v. SEIU

New Hampshire Workers’ Petition Asking Supreme Court to Hear Case Seeking Refund of Unconstitutionally Seized Union Dues is Fully Briefed
New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance’s Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.

IAM Union Faces Backlash for Forcing Union Dues for Politics
Foundation attorneys argue IAM union “opt-out” requirement to escape payment for union officials’ political activities violates Supreme Court’s Janus standard

More Workers Ask Supreme Court to Refund Unconstitutional Forced Dues
Foundation staff attorneys are now assisting workers in more than a dozen cases seeking to force union officials to return illegal forced fees to tens of thousands of employees, with four such cases now pending at the U.S. Supreme Court.

Foundation Asks Supreme Court to Hear Janus Case Again, Seeking Return of Forced Fees
The following article is from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation’s bi-monthly Foundation Action Newsletter, May/June 2020 edition. To view other editions or to sign up for a free subscription, click here. Case could set precedent for hundreds of millions of dollars in refunds to Big Labor’s victims. Mark Janus’ second Foundation-backed appeal […]

Mark Janus Files Motion to Rehear Ruling Denying Refund of Seized Forced Union Fees
Petition for rehearing en banc filed after three-judge panel ruled that union bosses may keep dues taken from public employees in violation of the First Amendment Washington, DC (November 19, 2019) – Today, attorneys representing Mark Janus are petitioning the U.S. Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals for rehearing en banc in the continuation of Janus v. American Federation of […]