More and More Teachers Exercise Janus Rights
The Janus-facilitated decline in the NEA union bosses’ empire has accelerated over time. In the 2021-22 academic year alone, the NEA union’s working membership fell by just over 40,000,
CUNY Public Employees Can Choose to Un-Fund Radical Union Bosses
In June, militant officials of the union for faculty and other staff at the City University of New York (CUNY) passed a resolution blasting Israel and branding Jews who reside in Mideast regions where many of their ancestors have lived since biblical times as “Colonial settlers.” Union officials asked the university to consider boycotting Israel […]
Teacher Union Bosses Demand More Money To Open Schools Back Up
Although evidence shows schools can open safely, teacher union bosses are doing all they can to keep schools shut down, even demanding $116.5 billion.